Practical info
Frequently asked questions

Before you sign up
Please read the event rules carefully. Any registration implies acceptance of these rules. You can consult them here.
Yes, in the “marathon spirit”, the cyclosportive is a cycling event open to everyone, licence holders or not, beginners or experienced cyclists. There’s a challenge for everyone !
17 years old in 2025 for the 155KM, with parental authorisation.
15 years old in 2025 for the 115KM and the 53KM, with parental authorisation.
Yes, please read the information below carefully.
1 Licences accepted :
Federal FFC licence, or licence from an affiliated federation allowing competitive cycling. FFC, UFOLEP, FSGT, FFTRI. ATTENTION : FFCT or FF Vélo are not accepted (regulations imposed by the FFC, beyond our control). Please note : FFCT or FF Vélo riders must download the certificate of less than one year’s fitness competition to compete, not the FF Vélo licence).
2 Non licence holders, other licences not accepted :
• For non-licensed members, or members of federations other than competitive cycling (example: athletics)
• For FFCT or FFVélo licence holders,
• For foreigners who are not members of a competitive cycling federation
-> A medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to cycling in competition must be issued less than one year before the date of the competition is mandatory (i.e. between 3 May 2024 and 4 May 2025) or the FFC health questionnaire, which must be less than 3 months old at the date of the competition, go to this link:
We recommend you to upload your licence or medical attest via the “manage my file” section and complete your file.
3 Example of medical certificate :
Medical certificate in French.
Medical certificate in English.
4 Usefull informations :
Legally, producing a false medical certificate is an offence : forgery and use of forgeries. Article 441-1 of the Criminal Code punishes this offence with up to 3 years’ imprisonment and a €45,000 fine.
If you use a fake certificate, you are liable to prosecution and heavy penalties.
5 If I do not have a valid licence or medical certificate on the d-day :
You will receive the whole package but without the timing chip. You will be able to participate to the Granfondo, the Mediondo and the Piccolofondo but without timing and you will not be ranked.
No liability waiver will be accepted. You must present your licence or medical certificate stating that you are not contraindicated in competitive cycling when you collect your number, otherwise you will not be allowed to start in the competition category.
We recommend you to use those following example as medical certificate :
Do not upload it if you know that it is not valid. It takes us a lot of time to check all of these documents.
Make your registration without upload any document. After your registration, you will be able to access to your account via the “research my registration” section, and you will be able to upload your new licence or medical certificate when you will have it.
Anyone who has subscribed to the cancellation guarantee at the time of their registration may request and get back the money of their registration fees for the Colnago Colnago GF Provence Occitane. Only the registration fees will be covered; options and bank charges are not covered by the guarantee.
CANCELLATION GUARANTEE CONTRACT.Amount of this guarantee : €10,00
The refund will be made one month after the event, only with a writing request to and with supporting documents, within a maximum of 48 hours after the event, on pain of forfeiture.
>> Please note that if you are eligible for a refund, but did not take out insurance, it is also possible to postpone your registration to the following year for a fee of €25 for all requests made before 15 SEPTEMBER 2024. There is no possibility after this date.
Personal injury and accident insurance : In accordance with the provisions of article L321- 4 of the French Sports Code, the organisers would like to emphasise the importance of taking out a personal insurance policy covering any physical injury to which participants may be exposed as a result of taking part in this event. It is the responsibility of participants to take out insurance to cover this type of damage.
FFC licence holders are covered by this guarantee at no extra cost thanks to their licence.
Other licence-holders should check with their federation that they are adequately covered for personal injury incurred when taking part in this type of event. If they are not, it is in their interest, as well as that of non-members, to take out, as a minimum, the insurance offered, or other cover with the insurer of their choice.
This membership is optional, but strongly recommended, and must be taken out WHEN YOU REGISTER.
PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCEAmount of the insurance : €6,50
To register
REGISTRATION FEES FOR Colnago GF Provence Occitane 2025 :
Tarifs valables pour le médiofondo, granfondo
- €67 for the first 200 registered* : sold out.
- €72 euros for the next 300*.
- €74 euros for others*.
- *Prices for FFC licensees. Otherwise, the prices above will be increased.
For what ? At the request of the FFC, we must apply this difference of prices between FFC licensees and licensees of another federation (or non-licensees). Please note that this will apply to the prices of all cyclosportives organized under the aegis of the FFC. - Rando : 15 €
Bank fees and registration platform : 2,5% extra.
Optional full post-race meal: starter, main course, cheese, fresh bread, dessert, water/glass of wine: €15
Please note that if you want to register for the 3 events, by registering for the Colnago GF Provence Occitane and the Colnago GF Luberon, you will benefit from an automatic 10% reduction in your shopping basket on the Colnago GF Mont Ventoux (for this, you must complete the 3 registrations simultaneously).
Please read the rules, the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and the insurance section carefully BEFORE registering.
- Change of race number holder: €12.50. Deadline: 4 March 2025. After this date, you cannot resell your race number.
- Postponement of the registration to the 2026 edition, on presentation (obligatory) of proof of impossibility such as injury, work stoppage, wedding witness, birth, loss of a relative, etc. : 25€. Deadline: March 4, 2025. No possibility after this date.
- Refund: only if you took out cancellation cover when you registered (€10) and provided proof (compulsory).
- Please note: no refunds or postponements due to ‘comfort’ reasons such as lack of training, bad weather, change of mind or other reasons.
Why progressive prices ?
The earlier you register, the better we can prepare the event !
– at institutional level, with mayors, prefectures, safety and rescue organisations, restaurants, etc.
– in terms of purchasing, for example ordering the right sizes and quantities of jerseys, paying deposits to service providers, ordering medals, water bottles, magazines etc… registering at the last minute makes organisation really difficult and causes us cash flow problems.
Do you like the atmosphere, the services and our family spirit? Do us a favour and don’t sign up at the last minute ! Furthermore, we’ve taken out participant cancellation insurance to make things easier for you too.
- Top-of-the-range cycling jersey. Wearing it is mandatory. Make sure you choose the right size by studying the section “Choosing your jersey size in the frequently asked questions”.
- Numbered plate, to be positioned on the handlebars at the front of the bike (links supplied) : DO NOT FOLD, it contains the timing chip.
- Bib (Pins supplied).
- Timing chip, with general and category rankings.
- “Top tube” stickers, with the race profile, refreshment points, toilets… to stick on the top tube of your bike, to manage your efforts.
- Feed stations
- Elite bottle for the 2025 edition
- Energy products 6D Sports Nutrition
- Muc off sample
- Entrance to the Expo Village
- Mechanical assistance stand at the start on Saturday and Sunday.
Priority bibs are studied at the latest 3 weeks before the event only upon written request to and granted according to the following rule:
The top 20 scratch and category podium places in similar events in the 2023/2024/2025 season calendar (similar in terms of distance covered, altitude difference, number of participants) will also be studied.
Another possibility: An OTAKAM IndexOtk of less than 10
Click here for our size guide.
The official Colnago GF Provence Occitane 2025 jersey is a top-of-the-range GOBIK model (same model as the 2024 jersey, different design). It has been designed by and for professional riders, and has a very close-fitting, slim-feet cut. The sleeves are made from laser-cut lycra, and are form-fitting for all sizes. The body material is also aerodynamic and form-fitting, and the jersey feels like a ‘second skin’. It has a full zip and 3 back pockets.
Tip : if you’re not comfortable with this type of cut, consider going up a size. (or even two sizes up from a mid-range ‘classic’ jersey).
We can only guarantee the availability of the size you chose when you registered. Please understand that it is financially impossible to order 3 different sizes per registered rider, “in case it’s too small, in case it’s too big”, in July, when we start manufacturing the jerseys.
You will be able to change sizes at the expo village, within the limits of a spare stock which we will order in addition and which will be reserved for this purpose. Once this stock has been used up, you will have no choice but to wear the jersey you have chosen and reserved.
So be sure to take your time when registering, and choose the size best suited to your needs by consulting the size guide.
After my registration
To change my details during my registration, you have to connect on the platform SportsNConnect using the login details you entered when you registered.
We only guarantee the size you chose when you registered.
If you change your mind, you can change your jersey size before 1 March 2025… After that, it will no longer be possible, as production will be launched.
So be sure to take your time when registering, to choose the size best suited to your needs.
No stress over the choice of route. Depending on your state of fitness and health, we understand that you may want to change course. You will automatically be ranked on the course you choose. So you can change course right up until the last minute before the junction at KM 75 (even if the course of your initial choice is printed on your number, it’s the chip that determines the ranking).
When you register, make sure you choose the route you’re ‘almost sure’ to run, as this will enable us to allocate the right quantities to the refreshment posts and to size the first-aid facilities on each route.
- Yes, until 1 March 2025, subject to a €12.50 administration fee.
- Not past 1 March 2025.
- Yes, if you took out cancellation insurance when you registered AND you meet the conditions of the contract.
- Not if you did not take out cancellation insurance when you registered.
- Yes until 04 MARCH 2025: registration for the 2026 edition can be postponed on presentation (obligatory) of proof of impossibility such as injury, sick leave, wedding witness, birth, loss of a relative, etc. Deferral fee: €25.
- Not passed on 04 MARCH 2025
No, we do not deliver rider packs to your home address. They can, however, be collected by a friend in the exhibition village.
Yes, all you need to do is provide him with a letter of proxy stating your request, together with a copy of your identity document.
Yes, you just need to provide him with a letter of proxy, as well as a copy of your identity document and your licence or medical certificate.
Withdrawal of race numbers
Come to the exhibition village in the Parc Saint-Nabor in Cornillon on Saturday 3 May from 1pm to 7pm, and on Sunday 4 May from 6am to 7.30am with :
1/ Your registration confirmation, to be printed out and presented at the race number stand. It includes your identity, race number and jersey size.
2/ Identity card or passport
3/ Licence for FFC licence-holders or affiliated federations mentioning competitive cycling. (e.g. FFC, UFOLEP, FSGT, FFTRI Women accepted, FFCT and FFTRI Men not accepted).
4/ Medical certificate of no contraindication to competitive cycling less than one year old at the date of the race for non-licensed cyclists, the FFC health questionnaire (valid for 3 months) or non-licensed cyclists from federations other than competitive cycling, and non-licensed foreigners.
PLEASE NOTE: The busiest times are at opening time (9am-11am) and around 5pm. If you want to avoid the queues, remember to come early in the afternoon!
If you do not have a valid licence, the medical certificate or the FFC health questionnaire you will still receive the full package, but without the timing chip. You will be able to take part in the Granfondo but without timing and so not ranked.
An administrative stand has been set up specifically to deal with cases of non-compliant files. These will not be dealt with at the race number distribution desk, so as not to keep those with complete files waiting. If you arrive at the race number distribution stand with a non-compliant file, you must go to the administrative stand. No complaints or changes can be made outside this stand.
The timing chip is stuck behind the handlebar plate.
The bib number must be attached to the back of the jersey, on the pockets and not on the back, using the 4 pins provided.
The handlebar plate must be attached to the front of the handlebar using the fasteners provided and must be visible, not bent or cut, otherwise it will not be detected by the timing cells.
IMPORTANT: To be ranked, you must not bend the chip on the back of your handlebar plate. You must also pass over all the control mats on the course.
During the race
We remind you that we will be crossing Natura 2000 reserves. We will be INTRANSIOUS about respect for the environment, and are counting on you to keep your packaging in the specially designed waste pocket on your jersey. Similarly, for everyone’s safety, please keep to the right throughout the route.
No, you must wear the official Colnago GF Provence Occitane jersey in order to start the race. If it’s cold or rainy, you can wear a waistcoat or jacket over the official jersey, which must always be worn.
The group start is at 9.00 am, Route de Cornillon (alongside Parc Saint-Nabor) for the Granfondo and the Mediofondo and 11.15 a.m. for the Piccolofondo.
The airlocks open at 8.00 a.m., with entry to the main airlock from the rear of the start area, in order to guarantee a first-come, first-served start.
A free mechanical stand (excluding parts) will be set up in the exhibition village on Saturday, from 1pm to 8pm.
A free mechanical assistance desk (excluding parts) will be set up at the start area on Sunday, from 7.30am to 9am.
Two neutral assistance cars with spare wheels will be on hand to help out the frontrunners.
The sweep lorries carry inner tubes and a foot pump.
All refuelling stations have inner tubes and a foot pump.
As a general rule, our advice :
Have your bike serviced before coming to the race. Fit new tyres and inner tubes, and have your gears and brakes checked.
Take with a bag containing 2 inner tubes, tyre levers, a mini pump, self-adhesive patches and a few euros.
Don’t waste months of preparation and travel because of material negligences !
You should call the emergency number on your bike plate, or 112. Never leave an injured person alone. You MUST provide assistance and inform the emergency services. Let’s stand together !
The organisation’s insurance does not cover material damage. It is the participant’s responsibility to insure his equipment to use in competition, with his own insurer or with the federal insurer.
A request for priority of way is made to the Prefecture. When this is granted, it does not in any way justify driving on the left-hand side of the road, which remains FORBIDDEN.
A priority of way allows the organiser to secure certain crossroads with the help of volunteer marshals, on foot or by motorbike, to allow you to pass a stop sign, for example. The arrêté Préfectoral is not yet published at this date, but it is usually one or two weeks before the date of the competition. So, as a general rule, be careful and stay in control of your bicycle.
Barring unforeseen work, the surface of the entire course is good quality.
For the Mediofondo :
- KM 67 (Moulin de Martel) : After 12:30 p.m., you will be declared out of the race (average of 19 km/h to be respected) and you will be directed to the right on the D980 towards Cornillon.
For the Granfondo :
KM 67 (Moulin de Martel) : After 12:30 p.m., you will be declared out of the race (average of 19 km/h to be respected) and you will be directed to the right on the D980 towards Cornillon.
KM 130 (Sainte Colombe) : Crossing the narrow one-way bridge at Saint Martin d’Ardèche : 12pm to 3pm: Bridge closed to motor traffic, priority given to cyclists. 3pm to 4.30pm: Bridge open to motorised traffic, must obey traffic lights before crossing the bridge. After 4.30pm: end of the marshals’ presence in the Aiguèze sector (after the bridge): compulsory observance of the highway code.
Please note that if you meet riders who are not wearing official clothing and who are joining you for a group ride, be aware that this person :
- has not contributed to the financial effort you have made to benefit from services, safety and emergency assistance. This cyclist “friend” has no respect for you.
- doesn’t respect the volunteers, or the organisation that works hard all year round to bring you the best.
- is not insured at all in case of property accident or personal injury, whether caused by him or not.
- we insure the legal, financial and criminal risks of our organisations, but we can never do anything about an accident caused by a non-registered third part.
Please invite him to continue his journey OUTSIDE your group, in the interests of everyone, your safety and the event’s continuity.
The route is online on the website, and you can do it every day, free of charge. But they must respect the work of our association, and respect you as a participant.
No, following cars are forbidden under penalty of immediate disqualification.
Only official, insured vehicles are allowed on the course between the opening car and the sweep truck.
Family and friends can go to the refreshment points, watch the riders go by and cheer you on, but cannot ride in the middle of the race, for obvious safety reasons.
No, as on all cyclosportives, extension leads are forbidden, as they represent a major risk of injury if a group falls.
- Not on the Granfondo and the Mediofondo, because with an electric bike you won’t have enough range to complete the whole route.
- Yes on the Randonnée.
On race day, crossing the narrow one-way bridge at Saint Martin d’Ardèche:
- 12pm to 3pm: Bridge closed to motor traffic, priority given to cyclists.
- 3pm to 4.30pm: Bridge open to motorised traffic, must obey traffic lights before crossing the bridge.
- After 4.30pm: end of the marshals’ presence in the Aiguèze sector (after the bridge): compulsory observance of the highway code.
After the race
The photos taken by the photographers are available on the website of our service provider Sportograf.
The winners are : OFFICIAL PODIUM
- The first 3 SCRATCH Men, SCRATCH Women & SCRATCH handisport, on the three courses (27 people).
- The first in each category. The 2nd and 3rd will be called up to the podium.
- The youngest on both routes (6 people)
- The oldest person on both routes (6 people)
- The most numerous club
Catégories Age maximum
Category M1 : Men 18 – 34 years old
Category M2 : Men 35 – 44 years old
Category M3 : Men 45 – 54 years old
Category M4 : Men 55 – 64 years old
Category M5 : Men + 65 years old
Category D1 : Women 18 – 34 years old
Category D2 : Women 35 – 44 years old
Category D3 : Women 45 – 54 years old
Category D4 : Women 55 – 64 years old
Category D5 : Women + 65 years old
The Disabled category is also present on the three courses.
Yes, you are allowed to wear your club jersey on the official podiums and at all other post-race ceremonies.
Access to the pasta party is by ticket given to you when you pick up your race number.
Please note: the service ends at 5pm.
Yes, optional meal tray when you register at €15
You can enjoy your meal in complete peace of mind thanks to a guarded bike park in the exhibition village.
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